Moving to a new city can give you that sense of disorientation, that uneasy feeling that you don’t really belong there. Time will often help you overcome the initial shock, but post-move periods can be really tough in the very beginning, especially if you have absolutely no idea what things to do after a move. Yet, […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
How to Get Rid of Stuff Before Moving If you’ve lived under one roof for more than 5 years, then the chances are that you will be surrounded by a great number of material things that are supposed to make your life easier and more fun. In most cases, owning stuff defines who you are and […]
13 Cheap Moving Tips: Save Money When Moving House You may have heard or read on numerous occasions that the entire process of moving house can be a really stressful experience – an event riddled with unexpected and chaotic turns and twists that can rarely be controlled. And to make things even more challenging than […]
How to Pack Books for Moving: 10 Steps to Pack by the Book Most of the people who are getting ready to move out of their homes don’t always stick a High Priority label to the job of packing books. Such an obvious act of underestimation may be the direct result of people having too […]
With winter nearing its end, the blossoming flowers, mild temperatures, and occasional rainfalls of spring are right around the corner. Historically, springtime has been ideal for escaping the house you’ve been cooped up in all winter, taking a much-needed vacation, and repairing your yard after months of it being frosted over. What many people don’t […]
Have you ever found yourself wondering what time of the year is best to move? While slightly lower rates in the winter might be attractive to you, both summer and winter moves present unique challenges for you to consider. Pricing: Peak moving season is typically from May to September—roughly between Memorial Day and Labor Day—and is […]
Are you preparing for a move? Or do you have dreams of moving to a new location? Moving data can be a valuable resource for insights on states’ economies and quality of life—both of which can be extremely important factors when making this decision. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 45 million Americans moved […]
Somewhere in all that stuff, you have to move, you may have some valuable articles. We don’t mean sentimental items that are priceless to you. (Yes, that high school track trophy represents a great accomplishment…but moving it is relatively simple. Wrap it, box it, done.) We mean pieces that are worth a significant amount of […]
Don’t make a move until you check for the gypsy moth. The federal government has joined with the moving and storage industry to urge those planning to move to help stop the spread of this invasive insect that threatens our nation’s landscape. The European gypsy moth has dramatically changed the countryside of 20 states and […]
Moving is often seen as pricey or difficult to plan. There are things you can do to make it simpler and less expensive, though. Let’s take a look at cutting costs. You can keep moving fees within your budget. And bonus! Some of these hints also help make the move less complicated. Scale down: We’re not […]